It’s always best to know your options, especially with important things like protecting your home and car. We would like to provide members of the Region of Waterloo Association of Cameroonians and their friends with a free quote on home & auto insurance.
As a thank-you for letting us give you a quote, we would like to buy you coffee. Just fill out this form to get a $5 gift card to Tim Hortons, no obligation!
Get a $5 Tim Horton's Gift Card
One of the best things about Josslin Insurance is that we work with over 25 different insurance companies to find you the best insurance for you- at the best price for you! Ask us about coverage for:
Our brokers and insurance companies have a long history of helping our clients recover from loss. We know the warning signs and can give you advice on how to prevent damage and keep you and your insurance trouble-free. At Josslin Insurance, a member of our management team is always on call. If you have an emergency, day or night, you can reach a Josslin broker who can provide peace of mind and help you through your claim.
A broker whose name you will know and who you can talk to in person, by phone or email.