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Fire Prevention – Farm Fire Safety

Barn fires on farms are nothing new.  Everyone has had an experience with or knows someone who has been impacted by this issue.  As a farmer, you take preventative steps to keep your livestock and crops healthy.  You understand the importance of prevention over reaction by identifying early the hazards and risks your farm may encounter.  Fire safety planning is just one part of that.

Fires need very little to get started and can spread rapidly.  Protecting your entire operation is a huge job.  Every farm is unique and will have different needs to keep everyone safe.  So, how can you recognize the areas of concern on your farm? 

Here are a few areas to keep in mind:

  • Electrical System Failure
  • Heaters, Heat lamps and/or space heaters
  • Oil rags, Feed, Hay, Straw and Other Combustibles Improperly Stored
  • Temporary Electrical Cords or Equipment
  • Improper Storage, Maintenance and/or Use of Equipment

Often the best ways to keep your operation safe are the simplest solutions, including education and planning.  There are many best practices to keep in mind including:

  • Make Housekeeping a Priority
  • Properly Store & Label All Chemicals
  • Never Refuel Inside a Building
  • Ensure Fire Extinguisher Locations are Known to All Staff
  • Regularly Inspect & Maintain All Machinery
  • Store Any Motorized Equipment Away from Livestock, Dry Material & Combustible Items
  • Recognize High-Risk Activities and Practice Prevention.  Have an Extinguisher with You.

As farms continue to grow and incorporate more technology, the risk of fires will become more severe.  There are many different types of technology that are becoming better at early detection, but the cost to replace barns, technology and livestock continues to rise.  There are many preventative measures that can be taken to help identify risks ahead of a larger barn fire.

Small steps such as keeping a clean workspace, regular inspections & equipment maintenance can go a long way.  Always remember to have a licensed electrician complete all electrical repairs.  In case you do encounter a fire don’t forget:

  • PASS When Using a Fire Extinguisher
  • Stay Low Under Smoke
  • Get Out Fast and Stay Out!
Consider Josslin's CFFO Member Exclusive Insurance Plans provided through Trillium Mutual.  Get coverage designed for your farm - at a great rate!


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