Josslin Insurance at the Charity Curling Bonspiel
Not familiar with the term Bonspiel? You’re not alone. The meaning is actually quite simple: A curling tournament. When Josslin Insurance had the opportunity to participate in this year’s 8th annual Charity Bonspiel we jumped at the chance. Volunteers may not have known exactly what they were signing up for, but thankfully no experience was necessary. Hosted by the Westmount Curling Club the Insurance Institute and the Adjusters Association put together the tournament as a networking event that donates registration fees to a local charity. This year the beneficiary was the United Way. Josslin was just one of local businesses that participated in the full day event. One of our teams competed in the morning and the other during the afternoon. Each half-day consisted of two full games against another local team.

Although games took a bit longer than usual and curling form was a little suspect, everyone had a great time mingling on the ice. At the end of each round, prizes were raffled out to the players and food was provided so everyone could get to know each other off the ice to. By the end of the day, new friends were made and our Josslin players were well versed in this uniquely Canadian pass time.