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St. Jacobs Farmers Market - Helping Businesses Recover After The Fire

Todd Aitchison, one of our Commercial Insurance Specialists, first heard about the St. Jacobs Farmers Market Fire when he woke up and checked twitter only to find that the community was mourning one of its major Landmarks.  A quick look at his email revealed a message from one of his clients, who were located in the main building, and had read of the fire online. They were absolutely devastated, and they weren’t the only ones. On that holiday Monday, Todd worked to connect with all of his clients he knew were at the market, so by the end of the next day he had a game plan in place for all of them.  “This is where we show our clients the difference a caring broker makes!  We’re there to help them right away when they need us the most…no call centres or strangers to deal with”.


In that first week, Todd and the team at Josslin Insurance gave what support they could,  helping clients, to determine what they had lost, filling out loss reports, dealing with insurance adjusters and advocating on their behalf if required. “One client came into the office, we helped them fill out the papers, and we were able to get their claim cheque to them the next day.” Steve Wagler, Brokerage Partner, was happy to say. Overall, Josslin Insurance resolved claims for all but one of our clients, and the last is well underway to getting back to where they were before the fire. Things are looking better now that development is underway for a temporary Market building slated to open by December, with a larger, permanent structure in the works for 2014.

In the meantime, please consider supporting the following vendors as they recover: Cloverleaf Farms Food Outlet & Deli, Cupcakes Cupcakes Cupcakes, Waterloo County Meat & Cheese, Country Style and Byford’s Gift Shop.