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Paycheque Protection

Many working Canadians have become much more aware in recent years as they realize having no income replacement protection could spell financial disaster not only for themselves but their family and/or business as well.


“Pay Cheque Protection” is a conversation all working people should be having with their insurance broker or financial advisor. 

Here are a couple of facts to get the conversation started:

  • 48 percent of all home foreclosures are the result of no “Pay Cheque Protection” coverage in force.
  • As we become older, our chances of needing disability insurance rise dramatically. Look around you; people you know are having major health issues.
  • Many who experience a long term disability lasting longer than 90 days have a very good chance of being disabled for more than 3 years.

It may very well be time to make sure your “Pay Cheque” is protected. Why not contact Romano Klomp, our disability and life insurance specialist who can assist you with making sure your income will be protected when you need it most? You can reach him at 519-893-7008 or by email at romanok@josslin.com