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Insurance Types

Lower Your Auto Insurance

There are ways to reduce your insurance payments without reducing the coverage you need. Here are some ways you can help yourself to more affordable car insurance.

Deal with a Broker

At Josslin, we work with multiple insurance companies to find the best coverage at the best price for you.

Maintain a good driving record

Your insurance premiums are affected by your driving record. Tickets and accidents can impact your rate, so drive safe to keep your rates low.

Raise your deductible

If you can afford to pay the deductible in the unlikely case you are in an accident, a higher deductible will pay off in the long run.

Review your coverage

Over the phone or in person, we invite you to discuss your coverage with your broker and determine which coverages you really need. Maybe an occasional driver has moved out or you no longer need collisi

on coverage on your older car. Knowing about your coverage could save you money.

Combine Coverage

Do you have home and auto coverage? Is it with the same company? By combining your home and auto coverage, you could be eligible for even greater discounts. You may also qualify for a multi-vehicle discount by having more than one car with the same insurer.
