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Client Spotlight on Drayton Entertainment


Josslin Insurance and Drayton Entertainment have a long history together. Phil Gleeson, who has been their Insurance Broker since their inaugural year in 1991, remembers how the community believed in the registered, not-for-profit charitable arts organization even then.“When starting something like this, you look to volunteers for help and money, we tried to help them out in both ways.  Debbie, my wife, volunteered at the theatre and my daughter Denise was in one of the original plays.”


No one is surprised by their remarkable growth in the past 23 years, with Drayton opening their seventh and largest theatre in Cambridge this year. “It quickly became obvious this theater was going to grow and become a major source of entertainment.” Says Phil, “I suspect the growing part has not ended, there will be another act in this play.” When asked how they are able to reach new communities while still making innovative productions like Peter Pan and Mary Poppins accessible, Steven Karcher, Executive Director for Drayton Entertainment kindly acknowledged “We receive no funding from any level of government for our annual operations. 84% of our annual budget is realized through ticket sales, and 16% comes from fundraising - including generous corporate sponsorships like that of Josslin Insurance.”  

Visit Drayton Entertainment online at www.draytonentertainment.com