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Help us support Kate’s Kause All-Inclusive playground for the Aviva Community Fund!


Josslin Insurance is excited to announce that we have chosen to support Kate’s Kause in their efforts to build an All Inclusive Playground, in the Aviva Community Fund competition!

This year, Aviva Insurance is giving away $1 million to various community projects Canada-wide. You can sign into the Aviva community fund website and vote for your cause. The project that get the most votes in their category make it through to the semi finals, and then to the judging. This round of voting lasts until October 19th and if we get enough votes we go straight to the semi finals. Kate’s Kause is a great project and it wouldn’t be hard to make it through to the Judging round just by voting once a day.

About Kate’s Kause and the All-Inclusive playground

Kate’s Kause is an organization inspired by Kate Meissner, a sweet little two-year-old from Elmira who has Kate MeissnerAngelman Syndrome. It is a 100% charitable organization committed to Angelman Syndrome awareness and fundraising for inclusive community projects. For a full year now, they’ve been raising money to build a playground in Elmira that is entertaining and accessible for children of all abilities. Elmira doesn’t currently have any facilities for disabled children to use, and parents of disabled children must drive to Guelph just to be able to let their children use a swing or experience a slide without it affecting their hearing equipment or other medical peripherals.

Kate’s Kause has gotten a huge amount of community support, been in the paper a number of times, and has raised $150,000 toward their ultimate goal of $200,000. But they still need $50,000, which we can help them with- just by voting! You can read more about Kate’s Kause by going to the project page on the Aviva website.


What is an All-Inclusive Playground?

They’re playgrounds that are fun for children with disabilities while still being engaging for their friends and siblings. This helps them develop socially, while a ramp system, sand and water centres allow them tactile stimulation. The children will also have the ability to use swinging and spinning equipment that they would not normally be accessible to them. Although the organization hasn’t finalized a design yet, here are some pictures of what an all-inclusive playground looks like.

How Do I Vote?

  1. Just go to the Aviva Community Fund project page
  2. Register
  3. Vote for Kate’s Kause
  4. Repeat Every Day

After you’ve voted the first time, it will save your preferences, so every time you click on the link above, it’ll take you right to where you want to be. You don’t even have to work for a broker to support the project, so you can get your friends and family involved too!

This Project has already captured the capture the hearts and imagination of the community, and now we only need to do the same for the judges so please, take a moment out of your day to help Kate’s Kause finally realize their goal of an all-inclusive playground for the children of Elmira.

Your Friends at Josslin Insurance Brokers.